麻省理工学院处于美国马萨诸塞州剑桥市,占地面积168英亩(68.0 公顷),吉祥物是海狸(Beaver),校训是“手脑并用 创新世界”(Mens et Manus),英文翻译是 (Mind and Hand)。麻省理工学院的图书馆资源丰富,藏书量高达500万册,而图书馆包罗万象,无论是工程、管理、建筑设计、科学等的书籍应有尽有,十分适合学生研究时查阅。麻省理工学院并不以营利为目的,非常清楚告知使用者,可自由运用相关等资源,但不可用来从事商业交易或是纳为自有财产,因为这些网络知识是共享的。麻省理工学院物理专业是美国留学申请的热门专业,很多学子都希望能申请到美国麻省理工学院物理专业,下面就来小编来介绍一下麻省理工学院物理专业申请指南:
申请截止日期(Application deadline):
November 1 (for February admission)
December 15(for September admission)
专业申请成绩要求(Tests required):
November 1 (for February admission)
December 15(for September admission)
申请注意事项(Special instructions):
Additional information for applicants to the Physics Graduate Program, including the Departmental Field and Support Preference Form, is available in the Applicant Information section. The Field and Support Preference Form can be downloaded and must be included with every application. Once the application is received by the Physics Department, the applicant will be notified.
Applicants are required to complete the Record of Courses Taken in Preparation for Graduate Study form. Please list physics,mathematics, and other science course only. Group courses by subject area, and complete each column. Applicants are required to list courses taken at MIT.
以上就是有关对麻省理工学院物理专业申请指南的内容希望给您带来帮助,如果想要了解更多关于美国物理专业留学的相关资讯,可以访问http://www.eduwuli.com/,或是拨打热线电话4006-918-230 进行具体咨询。